Monday, 16 May 2011

What and Why

This blog is being set up to complement a research project into the extent of, and reasons for, blogging in the UK police forces. It is believed there are several different motivations at work, including therapeutic reasons, knowledge transfer and inter-communication.

The idea is to use this blog to update on progress and ideas, provide links to relevant blogs and allow the researchers involved in the project to contribute and keep abreast of each others' progress.


  1. "...It is believed there are several different motivations at work,..."
    I reckon that blogs are merely a replacement for the old 'canteen culture' which, sadly, is no more.

  2. so what was the "canteen culture"? I can imagine there was a lot of blowing off steam, swapping stories. Some of the blogs also seem to want to educate the public to some extent - let them see how it is from the Police's point of view, I think that's an addition to what you were able to do before?
